Hi everyone,
first off, thank you all for your responses

I just saw the response from bostonian and that its very helpful. In hoping that its actually the case right now for ari.
Our last transfusion for him was JAN 8 and at that time alt/ ast levels were back to normal.
ALT 31
AST 42
Ferritin 2101
Well, we went today for his transfusion and all the levels are crazy high.
He HAS been feeling down since thursday. low grade fever of 99 on thursday night. Not eating much and very tired. His hg was at 8.1 today. This morning he threw up and has just been tired. Still not eating. He got his blood and has a bit more energy but still won't eat. He threw up a little again too but no fever nothing else.
One thing is that he us urinating a lot. But he's very thirsty too do he's drinking a lot.
So, heres why I'm freaking out....results for today:
ALT 1104
AST 773
ferritin 3129 (last month it was 2101)
He has been on exjade with the exception of a few weeks in nov and dec (noted above).
I have been splitting the dose AND I did not give him exjade before he got hours blood drawn today..I gave his first dose to him after (per andys suggestion from a previous post)
I know levels increase when children are not feeling well but this is pretty crazy right? I'm very concerned for one because no one can see what's wrong with him...its probably a virus but who knows...and two..the levels are just strange.
He is gaining his energy back tonight as we speak but as i, mentioned...still no interest in any food...not even jello. Just water. Im supposed to go to get the labs redone on tues and we have been told to stop exjade again until that time.
If anyone has any insight on this please please please, let, me know. thank u all in advance