i had been at home so long, sorry for my absence..........
here is the CBC and hb report of Najaf:
Hb 7.1
hematocrit 26.6
RBC 3.22
MCV 82.2
MCH 22.2
MCHC 26.8
HB A2 1.5
hB F 98.5WBC 14.7
Platelets 193
so we got Najaf checked, and doctor says it does not look to be the case of thalassemia instead it looks to spherocytosis, the doctor is very professional, experienced and is the president of Thalassemia Society of Pakistan. she asked for reticulocyte count and osmotic fragility for confirmation.
spherocytosis means that rbc are not of normal shape and are sphero type, because of this spleen takes them as abnormal cells and they are destroyed soon. her spleen is also a bit enlarged which is common for spherocytosis..it is caused by defects in proteins of cell membrane of RBC
now i have questions in my mind.......
can sphero cytosis cause regular hb drop as we have transfused Najaf 3 times in 3 months and hb was pretty low at around 7 every time?
can spherocytosis justify 98.5 hb F?

is it a combination of thalassemia and spherocytosis?
it is also to be noted that Najaf's body temperature especially of palms and forehead is high every time even in winter it looks as though she has just come from the heater. in september she had very svere fever for almost 10 days and then she got 2nd ever (first in 5,6 after birth) transfusion, even after this tx she got fever again ( i wrote this may be its of some help)