Oh my Goodness, how difficult these days were....
najaf was transfuse again on 25 january and after 5 days her hb was 3.5....

at the same time she was having fever...we contacted her doctor and she said Najaf must visit her........
there she was hospitalized for 2 weeks... the main problem was fever which was uncontrolable...after every 12 hrs she had svere fever..
there were a number of possibilities i.e malaria, typhoid, Tuberclosis, but everything ruled out...
at the same time she was transfused 3 units in hospital, doctor was not able to diagonise the cause of fever....
but at the end Dr. Javeria concluded that she had "autoimune hemolytic anemia"
direct and indirect Coombs tests were positive,
at last she got rid of fever and then the problem arose of transfusion because her blood was not getting cross matched even with O negative, she was given steroids and is still taking....
even todays evening there was no cross match with O -ve.

one more thing her Fe is 5300...

i will let u know with rest of her testing later, i m in a bit hurry.....