I am very happy that thals all over can find hope in this site. When I was a member of TIF Board of Directors, some ten years ago, we went to Amman, Jordan, to hold a Board meeting there and at the same time to talk to some local associations and offer our help. On the last day there, we, the thals-members of the Board of Directors gathered and talked in front of say 300-400 people, Arab doctors and patients. The feeling I got there, was that each and every thal in the crowd was looking at us trying to find hope in our faces. There were thals and parents and doctors and nurses all related to thalassemia. It was very touching and we did our best to show them that their life is not over, that there is future, there is hope.
That is exactly what one can find in this site: Hope. And that is what you describe when talking about thals from Pakistan and I would add from all over and especially from countries where people are not yet convinced that thal is not a fatal disease.
That is why this site reminds me of that day I lived in Amman. You see, I get the same feeling.
Let's try to keep this site going. It is a window of hope to every thal.