Hi, my sons got the H1N1 virus and suffered terribly with very high fevers, chest, cough, vomiting, diarrhea, chills, all of it, and it has been 4 weeks now, and although they are much better, they are not great. Their white cell counts are below 3, and through a blood test ordered by one of the many pediatricians filling in for our pediatrician who has been out for almost 2 mjavascript:void(0);onths, we were told they have beta thalassemia trait. Here is an example of one of their results:
cbc test. RBC 6.25, MCV 60.5, MCH 19.6, RDW 17.2 Microcytosis 2+,
Ovalocytes 1+ Hemoglobin 12.5, Hematocrit 39.2, hemoglobin A 95, hemoglobin F <1.0, hemoglobin A2 5.0
All seem to have very similar results, except for the microcytosis 3+, hypochromasia 1+, polychromasia 1+ on one of them.
The doctor told me that the only reason i need to know that they have this is so they don't marry someone with it. He said there are zero symptoms and nothing to do.
Well, for years I have taken my boys into the doctors for things that have never been answered or explained and continue to persist
1. one of my sons has a slightly enlarged spleen which causes him abdominal discomfort, and in my opinion, the reason he never eats enough. He is very, very slim.
2. one has no enamel on his teeth and has bone deformities in his jaw bones where the teeth meet the jaw, actually we just found this out and still not sure if it is a deformity or actual missing structure?
3. fatigue all the time
4. shortness of breath, especially when running (soccer) or jogging.
5. turning white lipped and having tingling sensations in hands and feet
6. burning sensations in face arm hands legs and feet
7. tinnitus
8. hearing loss
9. gastro issues (pain, dairrhea)
10. always seem to take forever to get better from a cold or flu
11. severe headaches
12. one of my sons breaks bones easily (collar, elbow, wrist), and seems to always have something sprained. He is very slim, and has very long arms (in my opinion) and I am not sure if it is because he is so thin, but his shoulder area bones look strange to me lately, as does his face, it seems to have a slight slant in one direction lately)
13. All three of were, are late puberty guys. hey also all three had no teeth on their first birthdays. Doctor said it is all late, but means nothing.
I can't think of everything right now, but does any of this make any sense in a thalassemia world? And can there be more than the trait, if the trait is what we were told they have? Should they be taken for further testing? We live in Los ANgeles near the Children's Hospital, and I see there is a Thalassemia Center there, do I need to look further, or is the doctor right, and they just have the trait and there is nothing to do, and the things they have complained about are trivial nothing things like the doctor keeps trying to make me think.
Thanks, and I am eagerly awaiting any helpful thoughts or information.
and several other things too, and they are not complainers either, so I know that when they come and tell me they are feeling this or that, it is real. The doctor always seems to disregard things