Probably there is no thumb rule for these things.
One thal major - thal major couple may marry for love/companionship and have a successful/happy marriage that lasts long, another thal major-thal major couple may not.
Many factors come into being where a marriage or relationship is concerned, and that applies to healthy people too. :-)
About kids - well personally I would not choose/agree to have a thal major child, because I put the child's interests first. It would be like me putting the child through a tough life, that I am already aware of to a very minor extent.
Other couples may want a child badly enough and go ahead and have one - they were children once too, and they also have already been through all the issues that thal majors face. If the child grows up to be a happy adult who is grateful he has a life, then its worth it. :-)
I know thal majors on this forum who are happy in life and probably more happy they had a chance to be born. (I hope I am guessing this correctly) :-)
I think if two thal majors WANT to be with each other and make it work through all situations, then it boils down to their personal choices.
In more general terms, I would say we are social beings, we were not meant to live alone. Love and Companionship are a must for everyone. There are those who choose to remain single and unattached, but I have never seen someone happily married or in love, who does not want it.
(I think I sound very serious when I post messages here.... Please look at my profile picture to know what I really look like..
