Hello to everyone,
This is the first time I'm entering this site. I read through some of the topics, and I think it's great that such a site exists.
I've a question:
I'm kind of lost, my doctors are driving me crazy about this flu vaccination. They told me that as a thal.major patient I belong to the high-risk group and should be vaccinated. But I'm so scared, I got my seasonal flu-vaccination beginning of December and reacted with fever, throw-ache, joint pain, redness, swelling and got a haematoma at the vaccination site (this because I'm blood-diluted). Was sick for 1 week, taking paracetamol.
I'm from Switzerland and it seems that the doctors here are extremly scared about this flu: regarding thal.major patients. I think it's because they don't see too many thal. patients and do not have a lot of experiences...
I'm wondering how many of you guys with thal.major have been vaccinated.
Thanks for letting me know what you think would be the best to do.
Best wishes to all of you, flyaway