Im a new member here and very glad that I found such a wonderful community :D
Im a 26 year old female diagnosed with Thal minor about an year back.
Before getting diagnosed, had visited my general physician twice who initially thought it was Iron deficiency anemia and prescribed Ferrous Sulfate 325 mg.
Taking those gave me such a great relief in my symptoms of severe fatigue and dizziness. But was told to stop it and see
a haemotologist after getting diagnosed with thal minor. Getting an appointment with a haemotologist took almost 2 months and like
any other doc he told me that the symptoms were of some other conditon and that Thal minor has no symptoms..
Anyways, he did some tests which showed a drop in my Hb from 11.3 to 10.3, and also Iron deficiency. Since he didn't want to
start me on any Iron supplements (he said he wanted to avoid Iron overload), I was told to take another test after a month or
two and see if my Iron is stable. So he wanted me to avoid taking Iron supplemets, whereas my General physician on seeing my very
low levels of Iron, told me start right away with the Ferrous Sulfate she had told me stop.
I got confused as to what to do and didn't take them anyway. Gradually my symptoms got better and I dint bother much about it.
But, now again from the past few days, have been feeling highly tired and fatigued.
Here are the results of all my tests taken so far:
Haemoglobin - 10.4, 11.3, 10.3, 10.5, (10.6 - Nov 09)
Ferritin - 22.8, 22, 32.9, (26 - Nov 09)
Iron - 39 , Nov 09
Transferritin Saturation - 13.2 % , Nov 09
TIBC- 290.3, Nov 09
My general physician has moved to another place and meeting my Haemotologist will take another month,
I dnt know what to do till then.. Can I start on Iron supplements/ Ferrous sulfate.. pls help me..

Hope to get some help..