New Year Resolutions 2010

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Offline samyuktha

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Re: New Year Resolutions 2010
« Reply #15 on: January 01, 2010, 04:44:31 PM »
Dear Friends,
I agree with Madhavi's Comment.

By the way My New Year Resolution is

1. To improve my patience level  ;D

2. To cook many varieties of food that my kids will relish.

3. To Reduce my weight and become slim and trim like my kids  :grin

4. To join for a Post Graduate degree by correspondence.

5. To identify the people who really need help and offer what ever help i can.

6. To Live as a Good Human being.


Offline Zaini

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Re: New Year Resolutions 2010
« Reply #16 on: January 01, 2010, 05:13:27 PM »

Of course its not bound by a religion and i think this is what all religions teach,so does Islam,being a good human being is a part of being a good Muslim. :yes



Offline nice friend

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Re: New Year Resolutions 2010
« Reply #17 on: January 02, 2010, 06:31:36 PM »
1 - permision of driving
2 - driving liscence
3 -  to join my father n bro in busines
4 - taking good care of my health
5 - being less dependent n more independent in taking care of myself ...
6 - to be more responsible n taking my responsiblities on my own ..
7 - wil ltry to stand on my feet in every front of life ...

will update more, soon ...

Sometimes , God breaks our spirit to save our soul.
Sometimes , He breaks our heart to make us whole.
Sometimes , He sends us pain so we can be stronger.
Sometimes , He sends us failure so we can be humble.
Sometimes , He sends us illness so we can take better care of our selves.
Sometimes , He takes everything away from us so we can learn the value of everything we have.



Offline nice friend

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Re: New Year Resolutions 2010
« Reply #18 on: January 02, 2010, 06:41:38 PM »
1- making more friends in  thal center
2- making more thalpals
3- making more friends ...
4- after standing on my feet n being established in life , to do something for thals ...
5-  to do something , for wat people keep me in their hearts forever  :) ..... i will try my best ...

wil lupdte more

Sometimes , God breaks our spirit to save our soul.
Sometimes , He breaks our heart to make us whole.
Sometimes , He sends us pain so we can be stronger.
Sometimes , He sends us failure so we can be humble.
Sometimes , He sends us illness so we can take better care of our selves.
Sometimes , He takes everything away from us so we can learn the value of everything we have.



Offline Keep Smiling

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Re: New Year Resolutions 2010
« Reply #19 on: January 03, 2010, 04:35:40 AM »
Best of luck with ur new year resolutions, Umair.........



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Re: New Year Resolutions 2010
« Reply #20 on: January 03, 2010, 02:40:15 PM »
Yes the aforementioned are the five pillars of Islam as Lena has said.

It could be more clear by the following.
A Good Muslim means:

1. To worship Allah (God) alone
2. To be respectful and kind to parents
3. To be good to relatives, to the poor, and to travelers
4. To be careful with money and not waste resources
5. To take good care of children
6. To steer clear of adultery and illicit relations
7. To respect every life and not to kill anyone unless in the pursuit of justice
8. To take care of the orphans
9. To fulfill promises and commitments
10. To be honest in business dealings
11. To act upon knowledge and not follow hearsay or act on half-truths
12. To be humble and have no arrogance

These principles are not limited to one race, tribe, or group; they are "universal" in their scope and application. These are also called the teachings of wisdom. If followed properly, they are capable of increasing the goodness and wisdom of all people.

I hope I am a little able, now, in describing what a true muslim means...


My conclusion: All humans should follow rule 2 -12. In that case we are all the same.


Offline Lena

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Re: New Year Resolutions 2010
« Reply #21 on: January 03, 2010, 05:17:15 PM »
I agree that these rules go for all.

Only in no 7 I would wipe out "unless in the pursuit of justice".



Offline Dori

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Re: New Year Resolutions 2010
« Reply #22 on: January 03, 2010, 05:54:29 PM »
I agree that these rules go for all.

Only in no 7 I would wipe out "unless in the pursuit of justice".


I am sorry Lena. Ofcourse without "unless in the pursuit of justice".


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: New Year Resolutions 2010
« Reply #23 on: January 03, 2010, 06:20:34 PM »
I agree. The world would be a much better place if the commandment "Thou shalt not kill" was never allowed any asterisks (*).

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


Offline Zaini

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Re: New Year Resolutions 2010
« Reply #24 on: January 04, 2010, 06:15:11 AM »
Ahmad plz either stop posting in urdu or provide a full translation.

What you wanted to say was "Umair thinks he'll live till only 25 years of age and you are trying to make him understand and he is not listening and you want us to help" ??

I really don't understand we have never seen Umair talk like that,so its kinda confusing,i think only Umair can clear that up.

And plz again stop posting in urdu.


Re: New Year Resolutions 2010
« Reply #25 on: January 04, 2010, 02:37:04 PM »
sis this is only for you cuz i respect u more than any other member of thalpal
so i ve deleted the post but i didnt knew that sit policy so now im aware ill try to post in english
« Last Edit: January 04, 2010, 02:43:47 PM by diskjockey »


Offline Sharmin

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Re: New Year Resolutions 2010
« Reply #26 on: January 04, 2010, 07:17:03 PM »
Knowing Umair, and having much admiration and respect for him I know that he is a very intelligent, responsible and caring individual.  I think that he knows that thalassemia patients can live long, productive and healthy lives.  He has made many efforts to improve and change his situation.  He has also encouraged others to change their lives because he knows the benefits. 

I think that the struggles he faces are those due to damage that has occurred before the intense chelation such as diabetes, hep, osteoporosis and life choices that were necessary at the time due to particular situations.  His intense chelation and success in changing his life is an example for all of us here.  Looking at his pictures from the recent conference show how wonderful he looks and what he has achieved.  Although the chelation has reduced his iron levels very significantly, further chelation will be required to remove iron deposits from the organs.  His frustration is normal because he has worked hard, reduced his ferritin miraculously - yet he has not seen the benefits to his quality of life.  Once the iron is removed from his organs he will see the benefits.  I think also that once his hep is under control and iron stores from organs are depleted his diabetes and other problems will be alleviated.  Until then, frustration is normal - because intense chelation is tiresome and uncomfortable.   

I think that Umair is incredibly courageous and he has always had a very positive attitude and wonderful sense of humor about everything - his positive attitude will be restored once he is able to reap the rewards of his hard work. 

Until then, we as his friends can support him and remind him.  The very last thing Umair wants is to discourage anyone else because he truly believes that thalassemia patients can have full and productive lives - we just have to remind him that he can too - and we have to be prepared to help him get there. 

Umair, I hope that this is a true representation of what you are encountering.  Please feel free to correct or supplement this post in whatever way. 



Offline nice friend

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Re: New Year Resolutions 2010
« Reply #27 on: January 04, 2010, 08:07:09 PM »
hI YA aLL,,,
i  m fit n fine .. n will update u wll tommorow with details.. actuly dj wanted to say someting else but my promise was a hurdle for him to to say that directly .. he realy wanted to help me and he was really trying to help me , he is trying hard to change my mind set .. Andy know's the story and  Andy tried as well t change my mind over that issue , but unfortunately till now i didn't make up my mind but now that issue is closed since a few  week.. although that issue is over now, but i m taking that as indication that i have to think  seriously about life.. n i will ...  

Djockey ,
thanx Dj for trying to bring-up  that topic her , but dude its too late for now ...  .. and yeah as u want to see me i will b a super good inspiration/example for thals , that they can come back in life even from wheelchair :) ... so dont worry, Djockey  i m not gonna  give-up  and it was nothing like that .... the context/background/scene was completely different my dear ...

i will try to post more under this topic ... but , i want to clear this ASAP that Dj wanted to help me , and he was trying to help , so he was calling u people to help him for his  cause ... but again , i m  strong man , wil lnot give-up , NEVER .... 25 yrs , lolzzz  , u may check all my posts since the time i m on thalpal , i never bellieved on this ... if u want then i can send u the links of the post in which i wrote alot against this ..... there was a big IF in that conversation .. wil try to xplain this a lil more.. i  m posting this in hurry ,  had to go , but m here to just share this fact that Dj wanted to help me without any wrong intention ....

Best Regards
Take Care

i hope no one will bring up that isue again .. and plz cremain that chapter closed .. :)
« Last Edit: January 04, 2010, 09:47:06 PM by nice friend »
Sometimes , God breaks our spirit to save our soul.
Sometimes , He breaks our heart to make us whole.
Sometimes , He sends us pain so we can be stronger.
Sometimes , He sends us failure so we can be humble.
Sometimes , He sends us illness so we can take better care of our selves.
Sometimes , He takes everything away from us so we can learn the value of everything we have.



Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: New Year Resolutions 2010
« Reply #28 on: January 04, 2010, 08:42:52 PM »
I think attending the conference was also a good thing for our Umair. Meeting everyone is great and gives new depth to the friendships. I think his doctor calling him over because she was so proud of his accomplishments has not gone unnoticed by Umair. All in all,I think our buddy is back on track now.  :thumbsup

All we are saying is give thals a chance.

rulin out missconceptions
« Reply #29 on: January 04, 2010, 10:01:54 PM »
thanx dude for clearing that i was not confusing anybody.On this incident i want to share something
2 years back when i realized that i cant continue my school because of my heart problem,arthiritis and many other problems including at that time my mother was also ill she was bed hidden because of tinnitus and she tried to commite........ something thrice in her unconsious state.and on that  tym our family was fallin apart and now i knew that theres no other way than to quit school and give o levels papers privately while i was at home i joined thalpal so i can take good care of my self so at that difficult time i wont get ill and cause any further problems to my family so during my thalpal era i found a new friend actually im proud to call him my best friend umair who gave me inspiration to live he was so full of life and was havin very postive attitude towards every aspect of llife than we began to chat every night for a whole night and day by day i began to come back to life actually it was like i was healing but than after some time i discovered somethin is wrong abt this fellow hes not the same umair i met so i tried to talk to him that what he was bothering about and when he told me i tried to convience him but when matter got out of my hands i came here to u see i cant just see a peson fallin apart who supported me at time when i thought life is over for me.
AND one more thing  because of umair i gave my 4 papers this nov and ill gave rest 4 in may and will be done with my o levels


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