you made me Blushing :$ ...
i did nothing, my Friend .. it was you who made that all , you succesfuly made that bcoze you wanted/willing to make that bcoze you was dreaming to complete your O-Level.... you're a strong boy and actuly it wsn't me who helped you it was your inner strong boy who was helping you to make things possible ... i just helped u finding that Strong boy in you, but all in all it was ur effort , ur self determination , ur will power and ur strong comitment , it was you, buddy... its was the real Ahmed, Strong and Determined... b sure that , its you who made that ....remember onething , nobody can help u if u refuse's to help urself, so , in case u r not willing to help urself to get out of any bad-patch , no one cna take u out of that .... so, it was completely ur effort , my friend ..... i remember that wat said in conversation that wasn't good but that was in a context , there was a background for all that, there was a big
IF factor in that , and all that was in a different backround .. othervice , i m taking my medicine at time Chelation is ON as prescripted and soon i m going to start hep-C treatment ...
so, everything is OK here with me

..... .... n yeah , onething you're one of my Best Friend

hmmmmm Super Best Friend


Abbas ,
:$ ... (wat can i say more

).... it was his effort and self determination that He found real n strong Ahmed in his self , so he is here with us sucessfuly completing his O-Level and moving on the way to succes ... i believe that ,
"we all are very strong and built to face the xtreme condiitions and capable to survive to those situations , all we have to do is to find the inner strong man which is hidden in us ,,, in other words all we have to do is to , polishing our inner Gem " .....
Best Regards
Take Care