alpha thal minor---3 year old's sleep and eating issues

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Offline judyp

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alpha thal minor---3 year old's sleep and eating issues
« on: January 13, 2010, 05:05:51 PM »
i have posted before about this but i know it sometimes gets lost in the bundle...does anyone have or have had as children, severe sleep issues and/or eating issues? three year old , although tired, will fight sleep until 11 pm and only then sleeps because of my increasing frustrations as the night goes on...(we start bedtime at 9 pm)...he then will wake up 2-3x during the night...and most of the time quite early...sometimes 4 am...most of the time between 5 and 7 am...naps are also a fight...sometimes none...sometimes an hour or so...hardly enogh sleep for a 3 year old!..he is a restless sleeper, as well...kicking/turning/grinding teeth...he is also not a good eater..very sporadic...he gets his nutrients primarily through healthy milkshakes that i give him plus children's supplements...i am searching for answers as no doctors seem to have them...


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: alpha thal minor---3 year old's sleep and eating issues
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2010, 03:11:45 AM »
This isn't necessarily related to his alpha thal minor, so please anyone with similar experience or any ideas or suggestions, please reply.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


Offline judyp

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Re: alpha thal minor---3 year old's sleep and eating issues
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2010, 03:27:27 PM »
thx andy..yeah, i know it may not be the thal but know one seems to know the problem...maybe just toddler stuff????....and when i looked at the study of  thal unfortunately mistaken for anemia, i continued to look up some smyptoms of anemia...and low and behold, eating and sleeping disturbances! i thought others might have these issues...


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: alpha thal minor---3 year old's sleep and eating issues
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2010, 04:16:18 PM »

This is why I am hoping some of the moms here can help out, but so far no one else has jumped in to help.

Does anyone have ideas how to get a thal minor to eat and sleep?

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


Offline Zaini

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Re: alpha thal minor---3 year old's sleep and eating issues
« Reply #4 on: January 19, 2010, 08:36:09 AM »
Hi Judy,

I am sorry i missed that thread some how,although i don't have a child with thal minor but i know toddlers can be difficult sometime thal or not,my son also is a restless sleeper,kicking,grinding teeth and screaming goes on often,for grinding teeth i was told that it can be due to stomach worms,we did give him treatment for that and teeth grinding was reduced by 50%,though children with stomach worm tend to eat more and not gain weight,but still you can check your son for it.Because i remember my husband's nephew who also is a thal minor,was a really bad eater and then he was treated for stomach worms and the issue got a little better,although he still is a picky eater and i often watch his mother struggling with him to eat now when he is old enough to eat by himself.

Giving bath at night time might also help,and i found this with my niece that massaging olive oil in scalp and on the bridge of nose also helped,your son is 3 years old otherwise i'd advise you to massage his whole body,as we do with younger kids here,but i know how hard it is for a toddler to sit still or lie still for a massage.Warm milk at night time is also supposed to help,and put a little bit of turmeric in it,( These are all our local home remedies :) )

As for not eating,some kids are that way ,small, frequent and colorful meals might help,or engaging him in any kind of activity he likes while eating,like cartoons or building toys.

Hope this helps :) .



Offline judyp

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Re: alpha thal minor---3 year old's sleep and eating issues
« Reply #5 on: January 19, 2010, 04:33:20 PM »
thx so much for your insight, zaini!..i am going to investigate the stomach worms right  now!..

Re: alpha thal minor---3 year old's sleep and eating issues
« Reply #6 on: March 14, 2012, 05:25:48 AM »
I know this is old so I hope this has improved or resolved, but does your child have any breathing problems like asthma? undiagnosed asthma, even mild cases makes it difficult for a kid to eat and sleep.


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