Hi again!
What I was told was that although I didn't need iron, normally, it was also possible to be anemic, and the combination of anemia and thalassemia is the big challenge. When I actually needed iron, that was the problem and why I had to take the baby iron. In reading other posts on this site, it appears anemia can occur in a thal. For sure, you have to make sure this is the case. I took un needed iron for many years and experienced what they didn't just call normal iron overload. They said I actually had iron poisoning, so, I know, there are big dangers in taking iron, but, if a person has to because the proper tests have shown this, it might be interesting to remember that liquid iroin for babies absorbs differently. And, that differently worked for me when nothing else did. They tried it all. If this site had been here then, and I had known about it, I bet I wouldn't have gone through months of such uncertainty.
I really appreciate all of you who post here and discuss things I didn't realize anyone else understood, or cared to understand.
Hugs and prayers to you all!!!!! OldThalGal