Hi All,
I am a new member. Until last week, I was not thinking that having Thal minor can be directly or indirectly related to the minor health problems I have been experiencing for the last 8-10 years. Last week, a friend of mine told me that she has thal minor. We noticed that we have many problems in common.
- fatique
- bad mood
- poor concentration
- can not talk while looking at peoples eyes (strange!)
- higher heart rate when resting
- headaches
- allergies
- weakness
- pain in joints, neck, and back
problems only I have;
- very poor memory
- weight training makes me dizzy and vomit after 1/2hr
The difference between now and 10 year ago is;
10 years ago I was active and I had a few of the problems and they were very minor.
During the last 8 years I have seen many MDs, NDs (some with with PhD). Some recommended diet change and many supplements. Some recommended homeopathy, removing amalgams, detox, live blood tests or other methods etc. They all knew that I have thal minor. Nothing much worked.
My Hemoglobin has been always at the bottom of normal range. I do not remember the exact number but between 10 and 12. My mother and sister have minors and their blood level are low, and using antideppresants.
Do you think the problems I have are probably related to thal minor? If yes, what can I do to make doctors consider this?
I am 36 yearold male, living in Toronto, Canada.
Thank you,