hb checking

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Offline Keep Smiling

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hb checking
« on: January 24, 2010, 08:58:40 AM »

the place where we live is a remote area and laboratory facilities are not that good...
even hb test is not satisfactory.......
my question is that if i take blood of najaf in syringe and transport it within 4 hours in a good lab,
will it give accurate result? what are the possible problems?



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Re: hb checking
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2010, 10:04:14 AM »
For Hb test, you need test tube with special chemical in it, to avoid clotting. Clotted sample cannot be used for Hb test. Blood clots in a matter of minutes. It can be used for cross-match though.

Andy can give more details on this
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