Andy and All,
I just got off the phone with my friend and I was quite happy with what I heard. People are helping each other out. Some of my friend's do NOT have their houses cleaned up yet, but are preparing and delivering food packets to the needed. He said, we are NOT going to die of hunger, but there are people who need much more than food, shelter.
Another person told me there are thousands of people coming to town to help clean up the mess due to the flood water's. He went with 10 to 15 helpers who usually work in his farm and said that people cried hugging him and other's who came to help.
My sister mentioned the Thal center did NOT have water in it, so that is good news, but she mentioned due to the flood and no electricity in the city for days together - all the blood stored had gone bad. She mentioned, there was no blood in the blood bank - but again, she mentioned there are blood camps going on and blood would soon be available.
I hope the strength of our prayers is with those affected by the floods.
It seems like our prayers definately helped.