Dear friends,
Find attached to the post a written summary for my son's results for the past year. He started the hydrea on February 10th, 2009.
I also did a CBC yesterday and was soooo disappointed of the results (HB 6.7) because physically he looks better than his hb shows, actually I was expecting more than 7.5 cause his face looks good to me

By the end of this week i will be doing the echo and the ferriscan
As for today, i did his annual abdominal and pelvic ultrasound and the
significant points were:1- Several gravels in gall bladder (this is leading to a little bit enlarged colon)

2- Total spleen length is 13.5cm (normal for his age is 9.5 cm), I wonder how big it will be without hydroxyurea
3- Liver is fine, no enlargement
4- No extra medullary hematoposeis detected
5- Other organs are completly normal
Andy,1-If you have a chance to see the attachement, could you tell if hydrea is working for my son or not??
Just for one month, the HB was 7.8 and actually the doctor told me to consider it 8 and for the rest of the year it was not that high. I know that he got sick several times, but also i can not see a satisfactory increase, what do you think?

2- Also this hematocrit thing is really getting me crazy because what i know is that the bigger it is, the higher the HB.
You will see that yesterday's CBC showed an increase in hematocrit
(24.7%) this is the highest he had ever reached since he was diagnosed and still you can find his HB very low, do you have any explaination for this?

3- Does the change in the dosage of hydrea has any significance?

Waiting for your feedack