Gratitude & patience is absolutely the best way to bring more in one's life'

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Very touchy story if you link it with your life

One fine day it came to know that The God is distributing apples to
humans in his place, at heaven. One small kid was so happy to receive
that news and it went with lot of enjoyment to heaven to get the apple
from The God.

There was a big queue standing to get apple from The God and the kid
also joined in that queue. While standing, the kid was fully excited
and thrilled for the fact that he is going to receive the apple, in
person from The God's hands. the kid's turn too came and the kid
showed its both the hands to receive apple. The God gave the apple but
unfortunately the tiny hands couldn't hold that big apple. Apple fell
down and got wasted in mud. The kid got so disappointed & starts

The ministers near The God informed that if the kid likes to have
another apple from The God again, then the kid has to again follow the
queue. Having waited for so long the kid didn't want to return earth
with empty hands. So the kid decided to wait again in the queue.

This time the queue has become even longer than the previous one.
While waiting in queue, the kid could see lot of people who returns
back with apple in hands and utmost satisfaction on their faces. The
kid was so much disappointed and thought why me alone didn't get the
apple in hand when all others were easily able to get it. What is the
sin I did that I alone should suffer like this. Now the kid was so
scared that it should not miss the apple again. Again its turn came
and The God gave the apple to the kid's hands and after giving the
apple The God spoke to the kid. "My dear child, last time after giving
you the apple only, I noticed the apple I gave to you was a rotten
apple and that's why I made that to fell down from your hands. Having
given you a rotten apple, I felt bad for you and I wanted to give you
the best apple in the farm and that time the best apple in the farm
was growing and that's why I made you to wait such a long time in the
queue. Here it is. Now the apple that you have in hand is 'The Best'
apple in the farm till to
date. Enjoy."

Sometimes it so happens, as even after we put our 100% dedication and
commitment things may get delayed or things may go wrong. Believe that
The God has something great for us and that's why this has happened.
Always say,

'Gratitude & patience is absolutely the best way to bring more in one's life'


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So true. It so happens sometimes that we want something to happen soon but it doesn't seem to happen and in the end it turns out it was for our own good. Thanks for sharing.
Falling down is not defeat... Defeat is when you refuse to get up...
The one who kneels to Allah, can standup to anything.


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may allah give us such patience as we cant wait if some thing going wrong of our expectation


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