I've known I had Thalassemia since I've been about 13, but recently my wife and I decided we want to have kids so we had her tested. We eventually had her take the DNA test and she came up as an Alpha Thalassemia Silent Carrier.
I don't know what kind of Thalassemia I have, but will post my eletrophoresis results and blood results to see if you can determine what kind I am.
Hemoglobin A - 93.1
Hemoglobin F - 1.0
Hemoglobin A2 - 5.9
Hemoglobin C - 0
Hemoglobin S - 0
Hemoglobin Variant - 0
Here are my blood test results:
RBC - 6.05
Hemaglobin -11.8
Hematocrit - 36.9
MCV - 60.9
MCH - 19.5
MCHC - 32
From what I read online, it looks like I have Beta Thalassemia. Also, from the responses I've read here, if my wife is a silent Alpha, and I am a Beta, we would be able to have children without any issues correct? Thanks for the responses!