Beta thal and Hb E parents plan for next kids..

  • 8 Replies
Beta thal and Hb E parents plan for next kids..
« on: March 24, 2010, 05:58:21 AM »
Hi all....

Firstly, I am so new to here and very much appreciated with teams in this web! Congratulations to founders!

Per my subject, lemme explain my condition now. I'm staying in Malaysia. I am a Beta Thal minor and my husband is having Hb E which I know there is 1/4 chances of having HbE/Beta(major thal). Actually, I already have a daughter 16mths old and as for now she is fine, healthy and active.

Like other couples, myself and husband plan to have kids. My husband is a family man and he is a good husband. Even though I know the consequences might happen, we leave it to God(Allah cos we are muslems). However, apart from keep praying hard, we do need to find ways/alternatives we by we can still have kids(not major thal).

I have read many comments in here, internet, etc but I din find anything with regards to abortion if CSV results turns to be the bad one(major thal). I am not sure if I missed out about it. What I meant is abortion from the perspectives of Islam. I beleive , there are Muslems here. Do you whether it is allowable in Islam or is it exceptional case to abort due to health/life risks? Please help.

Btw,actually, today I plan to visit doc to get ref. to hematologist or genetic person to get advises from them. We hope, there is still a hope at least one last time for us to have a baby (healthy).....


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Re: Beta thal and Hb E parents plan for next kids..
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2010, 06:26:56 AM »
I have read many comments in here, internet, etc but I din find anything with regards to abortion if CSV results turns to be the bad one(major thal). I am not sure if I missed out about it. What I meant is abortion from the perspectives of Islam. I beleive , there are Muslems here. Do you whether it is allowable in Islam or is it exceptional case to abort due to health/life risks? Please help.

Hi there again, (hope that my reply to your message earlier helps)

i might just straight away answer on this, here in malaysia, abortion is a totally NO NO, eventhough for muslims and eventhough you knew about the conditions of good or bad. I know for sure, as when my wife delivered recently at HUKM, i saw a few doctors got some sort like a scolding from an expert (their mentor) i believe a professor if i'm not mistaken. The prof was angry and asked the doctors around as to where in Malaysia and in fact in South East Asia in that matter do they permit abortion? Not one of them gave an answer.

Yes, you can check whether it is good or bad here at HUKM (ambik dari air ketuban) but as for ABORTION, nope sorry.



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Re: Beta thal and Hb E parents plan for next kids..
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2010, 07:42:56 AM »

With what i have investigated about this problem,i was told that from perspective of Islam,it is allowed to have an abortion if you are sure that your baby has thal major,only condition is that it should be done before you complete 16 weeks of pregnancy,because after 16 weeks,according to Islamic beliefs a fetus is given soul and it turns into a living human being,so you can take test between your 10th to 12th week, and if (God Forbid) results come back positive,you can opt for an abortion before 16 weeks.

Been there and done that,i know how hard it is,my all prayers are with you  :hugfriend .


Re: Beta thal and Hb E parents plan for next kids..
« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2010, 09:38:19 AM »
Hi all...

Thanks alot for all responses... Actually, I din blindly come to the conclusion of committing into abortion. I raised this since we are from all over the world and I just want to share this issue from the perspectives of Islam. Lemme quote from this article:

" Last year in Iran, the Ayatollah Ali Khameni issued a fatwa in favor of abortion for fetuses under 10 weeks that were tested with a genetic blood disorder of thalassemia. "

Hm...there are many fatwas with regards to abortion in the perspectives of Islam. Btw AL: you mentioned about docs been scolded by senior docs due to commit abortions(thal cases) or diff cases?

Actually, I would like to get second opinions from those who are very well versed on Islamic course in Malaysia but I have not get the chance to do so. Many mags and even papers have public discussions related to Islamic issues but none discuss on Thalassemias issues. Most probably due to lack of awareness...

Anyway, I welcome more comments/opinions on my issues from others and hoping will be benifecial to others.. Thanks alot.. Zaini: thanks for sharing...very much appreciated!

P/S: Will never give up to survive...


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Beta thal and Hb E parents plan for next kids..
« Reply #4 on: March 24, 2010, 01:35:04 PM »
I do want to add that it is a fact that many Muslims do opt for abortion when it is confirmed that the fetus is a thal major. I know of many cases where women have traveled to another country for an abortion because it is not available in their own land. This in no way, is any comment on what Muslim teachings instruct, but rather what happens in real lives. I have always felt that we cannot put ourselves in the shoes of another and we should never be judgmental about this issue. It is reassuring to see that a fatwa has been issued that can help guide parents on this issue.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.

Re: Beta thal and Hb E parents plan for next kids..
« Reply #5 on: March 25, 2010, 07:11:32 AM »
Hello Andy...

Firstly, it's very nice to know you(though not phisically)...
2ndly, thanks so much for your comment... Actually, I have looked for many years about this issues within Malaysia but came to no end. It is very hard for me to get clear information. Most likely becos that time I was too young and very limited resources like money, lack of experiences, etc.

I never stop looking for answers and opinions. The moment I got to know about this web, I was soo happy and I can see at least a bigger hope of sharing and getting more knowledge.

Btw, yesterday, I went to doc and apparently, the doc has a nephew whom inherited HbE/Beta. According to the doc, if HbE/Beta, worst case scenario 1/4 chances wont be major but only till intermedia. On top of that, there will be no blood transfusion required. Is that true? The doc was so sure. Though, it's not a satisfying condition like I hope but at least better than the worst one.

And she said, there is a techno called GENETIC ENGINEERING which can select normal genes from both parents through IVF. But, that techno not yet available in Malaysia but in Singapore, yes. But again, the prob is with the cost. Anyone hs went trough this situation before? Please share... Thanks


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Beta thal and Hb E parents plan for next kids..
« Reply #6 on: March 26, 2010, 02:42:29 AM »
Has your specific beta thalassemia mutation been diagnosed? If it is beta+, the combination with HbE would most likely be no more severe than non-transfusing intermedia. If your thal gene is beta- or beta°, then the condition can be potentially more severe, even requiring transfusions, but this is not absolute. Knowing the mutation can help you understand the possibilities.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


Offline april588

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Re: Beta thal and Hb E parents plan for next kids..
« Reply #7 on: April 05, 2010, 01:06:52 AM »
Being a Muslim, I strongly suggest you to take expert opinion. Consult with someone who knows abortion issues in Islam well. They might not know what Thalasemia Major is but you could explain them about this genetic disorder. I wish you all the best. Inshaallah you will have a healthy baby. My prayers are with you.

Re: Beta thal and Hb E parents plan for next kids..
« Reply #8 on: May 03, 2010, 05:37:31 AM »
Hi and salam to all...

Thanks to all responses since I was not around for quite long. There were a lot of bad incidents happened to my family lately. Anyway, my baby just got her result for thalassemia and she is HB E/Beta... Now she's 1yr 5mths old. Very healthy n active as usual. Her peadiatric din find her spleen large/swollen. But he recomended myself and husband to go for further checkup n monitor my baby due to the result didnt tell if she is minor, intermidiate or the worst one(dont like to say it), I pray hard to Allah the best thing for her... as for now her hb is about 7.8. Mine also around that but I'm Beta carrier. I am hoping that she'd be fine and nothing worst than myself and husband...insya-Allah...

One thing, I may not have future baby due to I am so stressful and scared! But who knows, maybe as time goes by, I'll get my strength back again... I'll continue to take extra care to my baby...I just want the best out of the best for her...

thanks to all....


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