Cannabis and it's ingredients could possibly help thalassemics?

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Cannabis and it's ingredients could possibly help thalassemics?
« on: September 30, 2014, 01:10:47 PM »
Hello everyone,

(Not sure if my topic is at the right spot  ??? and not trying to drive anyone doing something criminal)

I was wondering if anyone was using cannabis (raw, by example juicing or blending) to help with the Thalassemia common problems?

The reason cannabis raised my interest was because I saw a video of someone juicing raw cannabis on youtube.
It strook me that the juice came out so... GREEN. Exactly, green as in darker then wheatgrass. So I looked it up and cannabis is high in chlorophyll.
Not sure what the percentages are per cannabis plant, but maybe someone could add that information if they know the answer? My guess would be that it would be higher in chlorophyll then wheatgrass, since it is has a darker color.
I, myself notice that if my HB goes down, I become more tired. I used wheatgrass in the past and now use chlorella with still sometimes a combination of both wheatgrass and chlorella and can't live without this stuff. However, the supplements are not cheap in my country. Chlorophyll has natural components for the body to make iron and taking iron pills is funest for thalassemics.

The human body has an extensive cannabinoid system comprising molecules and receptors that have effects on many functions including pain modulation.
So if the above according to recent science studies is true, then with the use of cannabis you could add 'fuel' to the cannabinoid system?

I've been reading for weeks now about cannabis and the sad part is that there aren't as many studies about the good things in cannabis, since it has been criminalised for a long time. The pharmaceutical industry is not able to patent cannabis as it is a plant. Which means no money = no interest.
However I've read user reviews on the internet of people using cannabis in juices, oils, vaporizing etc for medical uses with good results for many diseases and  mental issues, like lupus, osteoporosis, epilepsy, inflammation, rheumatoid arthritis, adhd, anxiety, depression, autism, cancer,  fibromyalgia and many other problems.

Cannabis contains alot of ingredients and the biggest differences are between CBD and THC

CBD= cannabinoid more known by it's medicinal properties (cbd, cbg, cbc and so on)
THC = the part that makes people have psychoactive experiences but ALSO has mecinal properties to it.
THC is NOT active in RAW cannabis. Raw cannabis contains THC-A, the non psychoactive form and has to be heated or dried first (decarboxylating) , for it to turn in the THC stuff.

I've also read a while on the forum and saw many people saying that they had bone problems, like osteoporosis. Wouldn't it then be great to use something for your bone problems AND enriching to your HB levels? Is someone doing this already?

I'm not trying to be all pro cannabis and to come across all hippie like, but I really feel the need to make this discussable. Because if we don't discuss it, then we don't know if this will help out us thalassemics.  Cannabis (Marijuana) and autoimmune disorders.

I'm seriously thinking about trying this out with a high cbd plant. Doctors also  don't have a cure and I could hardly be off any worse then I already am. May I add that cannabis was used by pharma's in many many medicins until it became illegal? Cannabis also has been used in traditional chinese medicin for ages.

Hoping for you all to share more information.


Nobody is allergic to happiness and laughter. We just got to make sure everyone is able to enjoy it once in a while.


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Cannabis and it's ingredients could possibly help thalassemics?
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2014, 03:16:06 PM »
Because of the legal status of marijuana, most choose not to comment on its use, but both here and in our Facebook groups, we have patients who do use pot for pain relief. It is much safer than the opiates and should be considered a valid alternative to the addictive drugs that doctors prescribe like candy. With chronic pain syndrome finally getting official recognition in thalassemia, it's a no-brainer that pot should be made available to those who need it.

I would like to see a study on the nutritional value of its juice. I believe you have brought up a valid point that should be investigated.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.

Re: Cannabis and it's ingredients could possibly help thalassemics?
« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2014, 02:31:21 PM »
Sorry for the late reaction. Had problems with my computer logging in.

I forgot ineed about the illegality in most countries and am understanding of people not wanting to come forward about this.
In my country (Europe) it is legal and I hope soon enough the USA will follow.
I did try to juice the raw plant and from my own personal experience I can say that I did felt like I had more energy left.
I totally forgot about taking the juice and it was already late in the evening/midnight when I thought: hmm that's weird I still don't feel tired, why?
Then I thought about what I had done previously again. It's too soon to tell if it's really a hit because I only took the plant juice once, but maybe in the nearby future I will continue to experimentate.

Nobody is allergic to happiness and laughter. We just got to make sure everyone is able to enjoy it once in a while.


Offline sofear

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Re: Cannabis and it's ingredients could possibly help thalassemics?
« Reply #3 on: October 14, 2014, 08:12:35 PM »
I heard that CBD in form of tinctures helps if you experience pain and with a range of other problems like epilepsy. But good luck with continuously consuming something like marijuana in combination with the fatigue Thalassemia causes. I wouldn't recommend that. Most people already feel dizzy and sleepy, so this would probably finally 'knock them out'.

Cannabis also has been used in traditional chinese medicin for ages.

Chinese medicine has also been using tiger penises. Not sure if that helps.  :huh
« Last Edit: October 14, 2014, 08:19:28 PM by sofear »


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Re: Cannabis and it's ingredients could possibly help thalassemics?
« Reply #4 on: October 15, 2014, 12:14:35 AM »
OK lets go find One Tigerpenis for every thalassaemic!  :rotfl
We Need more Tigers!
Because : Tigers < thalassaemics
Im just joking, whatever helps....


Offline sofear

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Re: Cannabis and it's ingredients could possibly help thalassemics?
« Reply #5 on: October 15, 2014, 02:25:09 AM »



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