Thal major accompanied with hep C, rheumatoid & auto immune disease

  • 3 Replies

Offline Touta

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Hi All,

I'm a new member here; I’m 30 years old thal major with hep c long time ago about 15 years ago. I tried the interferon but it didn't work with me. Current ferretin level is 6550. i would like to know if anyone had heard of experienced the following all together issues at the same time or if there is any correlation between them:

Lately i found after facing some troubles and going through some medical examinations that i got rheumatoid, high uric acid, and some auto immune problems; Anti Nuclear Antibody (ANA) is positive with 1/180 with a titre 1/40 or higher and Anti Smooth Muscle Antibody (ASMA) is positive with 1/20 titre. Also, i did a bone density scan and the results were fine for arms and legs but reflected problems for back bones and resulted that it is very weak.

The doctors tells me that there are some worries about treatment of the rheumatoid as it is harmful to the liver also  and to get a treatment for these all together would be a kind of complicated one.

Had anyone of u a feedback of this combination?

I will appreciate your feedback.

Thank you all.



Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Thal major accompanied with hep C, rheumatoid & auto immune disease
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2006, 03:16:02 PM »
Hi Touta,

There is a proven connection between hepatitis and immunological disorders such as rheumatoid.


Our results represent clear evidence for a relationship between HCV infection and immune extrahepatic abnormalities.

Most of your problems are made worse by the high ferritin level. Even the ability of interferon to work against hepatitis is greatly reduced by the high ferritin. I think the first step has to be to reduce the ferritin level.

I would also like some members of this group to relate their expereince using milk thistle herb for hepatitis.

And does anyone have any suggestions how to deal with the rheumatoid without worsening the condition of the liver?

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


Offline Touta

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Re: Thal major accompanied with hep C, rheumatoid & auto immune disease
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2006, 09:36:02 PM »
Hi Andy,

Thank you very much for the provided information and for your help.  :hug

As for the interferon; actually I tried it 10 years ago and by that time my ferretin level was 1000 but also it didn't work with me effectively. Doctor is telling me may be we would be forced to give it another try. i don't know actually if there is any chance that it would work if it had already failed to cure me years ago when i was in a better condition in all aspects.

What do u think? Is there any chance?

Anyway doctor requested a liver biopsy and ferriscan as well. Does anyone had done them or went through any of them?  i would appreciate if anyone gave me his/her feedback regarding any of them and if there is any risk or pain doing them !!!

Thank you all in advance,


Re: Thal major accompanied with hep C, rheumatoid & auto immune disease
« Reply #3 on: September 24, 2013, 11:47:43 PM »
Hi Touta,
My wife has the exact same problem, she is Thal 32 years old and when she was 6 years old she started transfuse, she got hep C about 3 years ago, recently here Ferretin level was 4400, I wonder if you solved it and how it works with you now?
Hope you are doing well,
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