Ferritin level increase

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Offline adeel

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Ferritin level increase
« on: January 11, 2012, 08:44:56 AM »
Hi all
My daughter current ferritin level is 1805 . She is 2.3 years old we are giving her asunra 200 mg daily but her ferritin level in not decreasing so what  should we do now her weight is 12kg should we increase the dose of asunra we also try spliting the dose but it didnt help and another thing i want to introduce her vitamin e so what will be the daily dose for her age and specially one question for andy my relative send me natural vitamin e 400 iu veggie softgels(solgar brand) is this a good brand ? And 400 iu is good for her age ?
Best regards


Offline maha

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Re: Ferritin level increase
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2012, 06:03:57 AM »
Hi Adeel
You can increase the dose to 300mg, nevertheless chelation takes time and patience. It took my son 3 years to get his ferritin levels down from around 2500 to 600. 400 IU of vit E is too much. At her age 100 IU is a good dose.
take care


Offline adeel

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Re: Ferritin level increase
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2012, 08:26:04 AM »
Hi all
Thanks maha for your reply i will try to exceed the dose of asunra and about vitamin e like i told u i brought 400 iu vitamin e so is this possible i give her once in a week 400iu beside giving her 100iu daily or this excess dose is harmful for her?
Best regards


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Ferritin level increase
« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2012, 10:28:31 PM »
Hi Adeel,

Solgar is a very good quality brand and I agree with Maha that at this age 100 IU is sufficient. For the Exjade dose, remember this as she grows. 30 mg/kg body weight. So at 12 kg, the dose would be 30 mg x 12= 360, so it needs to be at least 300 mg right now and soon should be bumped up to 400 mg.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


Offline adeel

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Re: Ferritin level increase
« Reply #4 on: January 13, 2012, 10:16:38 AM »
hi all
thanks andy we have exceeded the dose of asunra to 300mg i hope it will help  to manage the ferritin level down and we are starting vitamin e to her i hope it will be good and benefecial for her health i am already giving her ip6 ,folic acid and multivitamin without iron so is there anything else u want to suggest us to give her plz advice me
best regards
« Last Edit: January 13, 2012, 11:15:33 AM by adeel »

Re: Ferritin level increase
« Reply #5 on: January 24, 2012, 04:07:18 AM »
When we adopted our son (age 3, beta thal major) his ferritin was about 1400. He started on Exjade within two months of that and within two more months was up to his max dosage for weight of 500 mg. Exjade daily. His ferriscan was 17.4 (severe iron overload). Over the next year, his ferritin climbed to over 4800 while on Exjade. Finally, after 12 months on the Exjade 500 mg. we began to see his ferritin come down (slowly). His ferrisican 18 months after the first one was 4.1 (normal range!).
We were told (by Boston thal center) sometimes it takes a while for the chelation to bring the numbers down...

My son, adopted from China at age 3 in April 2010, has beta thalassemia major.


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