Anyone who is a symptomatic beta thal minor, who took iron when it was not needed? I have taken it on and off for close to 20 years, and then realised i didnt need it.
I developed a lot of unexplained hormonal issues when on iron, which have somewhat reversed after I stopped iron.
I'm hoping for guidance here, from anyone with a similar experience?
Is it possible that I may have some iron still in my organs? How does one diagnose or tackle it? Since I am not on iron for a year now, will it go away by itself?
To be very honest, My thal minor was diagnosed 2 years back, I have yet to get my DNA tests done. I am not knowledgeable about anything more that thal intermedias/ majors here face. I am aware that iron in the blood stream is different from iron in the body organs.
So far I was only focussing on thal minor issues, will take time for me to understand the concept of iron overload, and whether or not I may have had it.
I still have IBS/Gluten intolerance, and some pancreas issues. I need to take enzyme pills with food , and I still cant have oil, fats.
Since my other hormonal problems got solved, I am wondering if this too , can be taken care of.
Any thoughts? The forums seem silent these days. I've been unwell for long, so not been able to even log on.