asunra (exjade) effects

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Offline kabir_love

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asunra (exjade) effects
« on: May 11, 2010, 05:16:29 PM »
hey every1,
could some1 tell me as my son is on asunra ( indian name for novartis - exjade). since we started this for my son iron chelation about 1.5 years now till today we see that his motions had really been not ok  as before is was normal like single time a day and after this is like 4-5 times  regularly, also  in between we had tried some other medicans and whenever we give him  norflox or derolac it is ok  and if we leave it then again it increases.

also im worried if this harms the body growth or in any other way. also this might be a reason aswell for his thiness in the body !!! we also notice a change if  we give me derolac/norflox and the motions are normal he start puttin up some weight..................

well if any suggestions please advise.



Offline maha

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Re: asunra (exjade) effects
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2010, 05:27:30 PM »
Hi Micky
Good to hear from you after such a long time. Stomach issues are common when on exjade and you should try splitting the dose. For instance if Kabir`s Asunra dose is 400mg, split it and give him 200mg in the morning and 200mg in the evening. Splitting the dose indeed has helped everyone who has tried it.
lots of love to Kabir



Offline patel.1005

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Re: asunra (exjade) effects
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2010, 05:30:16 PM »
Helllo Micky,

I used to take exjade. I was on it for about 2 years before I stopped taking it and switched back to desferal. When i took Exjade, my side effects were nausea and diarrhea. Instead of going to the bathroom, once a day, I had to go to the bathroom almost every time I ate without fail. If I didn't take my Exjade one day, then I didn't have any problems. But every day that I took Exjade, I would have to go to the bathroom right after eating, and I never wanted to eat because I always felt like I was going to vomit. I took it for two years while in high school, but when I started college, it started becoming difficult because I would have to worry about finding a bathroom whenever I ate on campus and I would be consistently late to classes.

Thals are generally on the small and slender size, but if your son is even more thin then a normal thal then the extra motions every day is most likely what is causing your son to remain thin. Taking the derolac/norflox to treat the diarrhea is a good method, but you should ask your doctor because using antidiarrhetics for long periods isnt healthy.

I know splitting the dose has worked for many, but it did not work for me. Maybe you should try it and see if it helps!


Re: asunra (exjade) effects
« Reply #3 on: May 13, 2010, 03:47:22 AM »
This is why I have been trying to find out about maltol and who would know why it isn't being offered as a good alternative to drugs which may cause problems. Maltol is simply .. the way I understand it .. a natural sugar. It is used to make the toffee taste in caramels and candy. WHY can't I find out its' efficacy and / or danger anywhere on the internet .. ?


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