I look ghostly pale the second i start feeling tired. Rather, being tired turns me pale. I especially cant be on my feet long. LIke all the blood feels like its gone down into my legs and left my upper half empty! Dont know what to do about that. When i'm lightheaded, I sit or lie down.
What kind of ear problems? Well I get a slight fullness/pain in my ear when I have vertigo - I dont know which comes first though. But ear drops seem to help me at that time.
Is there a way to prevent arthritis? Any specific exercises or diet? I dont have it but I do get aches and pains which last few days and I wonder if i'm developing arthiritis?
Thin hair is also an issue - but mine was caused my repeated scalp infections or eczema kind of skin. Using a medicated solution on my scalp helps.
A lot of anemic thals are prone to minor infections - and a lot of my health problems are attributed to infections. Be it scalp or ear or throat or skin.... Even a terrible backache can sometimes be caused by an infection somewhere.
Working on immunity seems to make it easier. :-) I'm trying an indian ayurveda immunity booster called Chawanprash. It looks like a dessert. Also turmeric powder in hot milk, at night before bedtime - is also said to improve immunity.
Stress and Sleep are 2 things we need to be careful of. When i'm sleep deprived if I'm unwell, i wake up with joint pains, especially in my finger joints. But it settles soon.
35 degrees here, but its too hot for me. Taking Vit D, but not sure of any changes yet.
Love to you all!