Hi K Adam,
Did your doctor tell you how high your ferritin level is? Your iron level is very important and too much iron stored in the body can cause organ damage. It is extremely bad for the liver. If our ferritin is quite high, you should have the level investigated with a liver scan to determine the actual iron content of your liver. If you have been absorbing too much iron from your diet, as with hemochromatosis, your liver could incur serious long term damage. If your ferritin indicates the possibility of high organ iron, you should definitely get a scan to measure your liver iron.
Your diet has not been good and it has been high in iron. Eating more fruits and vegetables, especially raw, will help clean your liver and provide the necessary nutrients. Try to eat less fast food and more nutritious meals at home. We have much nutritional information and advice in our forum titled, Diet, Nutrition and Supplements.
Milk thistle will help your liver and can be taken with other liver cleansers, like Essential Forte. Milk thistle can help restore liver tissue and many people with damaged livers have benefited from using it.