Hi... I was reading all your posts about whether it is better to have splenectomy at early age or when it is needed because of the enlarged size and then I decided to make a new discussion.
Actually, I want to know how many people who have thalassemia major have NOT removed their spleen and what is their size (enlargement).
In fact, you know from my previous posts that this is a very important topic to me because I wish I can keep my spleen forever. However, although having not enlarged spleen (last examined 6 months ago), I could not manage to keep my hb high in the recent years.
At my 3rd week it is always at about 8.5, which is rather low for me and what is even worse, I know that if u keep low levels of your hb, you help your spleen get large
Well... I just thought that it will be interested to all of us to see how many patients have spleen and what they do in order to keep it; and of course, if you have any usufel informatin or advice about me
Thanks !

R. ;)