I am so frustrated of being helpless, $5 million is not big money for countries, investors, ....
I believe the key is in the media either by media pressure on the pharma companies or the media urging people and charity foundation to donate
All it takes is to convience some one in this field to lead such a campaign.
In my country, i have seen a lot of examples showing how this works. We have a program here which is so famous (same as Oprah at your side of the world) which was able to collect donation of $6million for a small village whose houses where runined from very heavy rain (don't know the exact term for this kind of rain that is he same as flood

) This donation was collected in one episode that was aired for 3 hours
Same amount of money was collected to help some families who had patients that were in need to do liver transplant
The most clear example here in my country was getting donations over 3 or 4 years that reached billions and billions were this money was used to build ''Hospital 57357 for Cancer for children'' that offers free treatment for children with so advanced technology that enabled them to work in co-operation with Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center and another famous one in France (can't recall the name).
The annual cost to operate this hospital is around 150 million Egyptian pounds and they also come from donations. You can have a look at the hospital and see how big it is from the photo in the link below
http://www.middleeasthealthmag.com/mar2008/me2.jpgTheir site
http://www.57357.com/Default.aspx?tabid=138It all started with a media campaign that was so influncial that famous celibrities, ploiticans, people who preaparing for elections,..... are so keen to give a free add about such hospital because by time media the media was able to influnce the people that who ever contributes is the ''good guy'' and these adds increases a lot in the time of elections

I can still give you a lot of examples to show you how ordinary people, families, housewives and even children can contribute to such big projects if they are informed of it and informed how this can help others and can change their lives
People need to be informed to creat the NEED to share and donate, once this is done it is easy to get the money
The problem lies in finding the anchor who believs in your cause, it may look simple but is is so difficult to know how to reach such media channels.
When we succeed to reach these strong media programs, ordianry people will be mobilized to act and help us and only at this time big pharmas will run after you
This is what i believe, hope this helps and hope one day S-DFO and gene therapy would be available in my life time