Hi Andy....and other friends...
I am new to this forum and would like to tell you all about my 6.6 year old son. He was diagnosed with Thal major at age 1. He was admitted to hospital at 5 months for otitis media and his hb levels went down to 8.5. The pediatrician kept him under observation and advised electrophoresis at age 1. And the truth came out.
The first two years were horrible. He kept falling sick every now and then.....Then it was time for school. One year was hell. Hospitalisation, sickness, infections, missed schools and delayed development. But hb level never went down from 7.5 to 8 g/dl. So no transfusion was needed. He would normally bounce back to hb levels 10 g/dl. He was then diagnosed with intermedia.
At age 4, his hematologist advised hydroxyurea (hydrea). Two years since, he is been on it. Immediately the effects started showing. The paleness gave way to a little red.s

We have regular ferriscan and hematograms. Level of hb (at times of infection) would remain at 9 g/dl. No organ megaly. Bones and dentures are fine......
The best part is the quality of life of my son was much improved. The lethargy and infections were all gone. Two years since he has been attending school in a regular manner. And wonder what since the last 8 months he did not have any serious infection.

touchwood. He takes hydrea 500 mg every alternate days, folic acid and zincovit everyday.
I have shifted to another city and would be meeting up a new hematologist and pediatrician this saturday for an evaluation.
The only problem I am facing in the new city is his new school.......His timings are 8 am to 4 pm. His teachers complain that he falls asleep in class everyday.....I have got to check his hb levels soon.
Can it be because of hudrea?? His hematologist had said the advantages of hydrea outwieghs the side effects. Is it true?
Thanks for accepting me in this community.........