Dear all,
Very happy for those of you going for ths conf.

However, I have an uncomfortable feeling abt the way each conference just seems to get costlier to attend, more exotic in locations, and just plain out of reach of those of us who actuallly do want the information it provides.
If the aim of these conferences is to disburse information >to thals all over the world! to those who do need it! ....and we so need it becoz we just do not have as many specialized doctors to rely upon

... and If that is the aim..I am failing to see it met?!?
Our treatment (esp the older adult thals) has been the pioneering efforts of our extremely committed parents.
If the aim of these conferences is to help thals with new information ...I wonder if evryone agrees with me when I say it is not reaching those of us who really need it. Our doctors are unable to attend it too.. in fact it depends on us, how we manage our own healthcare in countries where healthcare is our own and not the Govt's responsibility.
Even software for computers is designed to be userfriendly...can not these conferences be planned in the same way?? I am going to be told we will get the printed info or the booklets or download frm the computer but believe me it is just not the same!
Ppl who are actuallly so devoted to finding out info for thals and that does not have to be a thal, someone like Andy should be sponsored every time without a second thought...and those of us whose priority was to actually attend the conference ...I don't mind if they hold it in the same place each time... smplace central, less costly, and smwhere where all ppl of all countries can attend it easily, freely and regularly. Just a dream eh? tut tut
Regards and best wishes to all.