regarding something eesha said on the "general chatter ---- some news to share" i wanted to share my thoughts on this matter..
I see some thals using it as an excuse not to work, study take part in religious observation,
this is something i see in our society too.. parents use it and thals along the way, become comfortable with this, actually believing this.. or in some cases, really using "i have thalassaemia, i am sick" to get out of anything they do not want to do..
i know quite a few thals who are actually and in reality sometimes not as healthy as the other thals and really cannot observe religious acts, or study or play sports or even doesn't have energy to go to a job..
and those considered healthy, are sometimes very tired or lethargic if we are due for our transfusions, or if we get a cold or any other disease...etc, and in those instances, i bet there are only a handful of us who haven't used the "thal" card.. hehehehe i know in some cases, even i have used it..
but when majority of thals use this excuse in serious situations, this gives a bad image and a bad name to those thals who are striving so hard to achieve something out of life.. who, like eesha said, is working day and night to control thal, instead of letting it control you, to get yourself a good education and also to make a name for yourself in the industry..
and because of these thals and thier parents (with the excuse "thalassemia"), for those who are really trying in their lives, find it so difficult to get acceptance in schools, or in the social and job arena from the community
we are trying to change perceptions, but i still believe that perceptions need to be changed from within first, before spreading it further...