Have you had the iron studies done that Andy speaks of, like ferritin, TIBC, iron saturation, etc.?
I have been very low on my iron stores and am having iron studies every three or four months; since using and iron supplement with Vit. C and B vitamins, I have noticed a small amount of hair growth that is consistent with my ferritin levels coming up a bit.
I know that Andy feels very strongly that using iron could potentially be harmful if your body is not actually deficient, and/or if you are t-minor, intermedia or major matters too whether or not it would be safe, so you need medical consultation before you use any iron to determine if you are truly iron deficient.
My progress is being monitered, and I still do not know for certain what the cause of my anemia is and whether it is related to underlying causes of fibromyalgia/chronic fatigue syndrome. I have noticed very small changes like not getting quite as winded when climbing up a stairwell, for example.
Also, thyroid studies would be very important like T3, T4, free T4, TSH, and also to be tested for auto-immune thyroid illness. It so happens that I am being treated for hypothyroidism as well, and whether or not it is related to the possibility of hormonal imbalances in thal. minor [has not been studied in enough controlled studies] is unknown.
Regarding this, I am on a protocol for fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome that recognizes thyroid and other hormones in the body may be deficient and/or out of balance without evidence on a blood test and therefore the doctor must be trained/knowledgeable about making a clinical diagnoses and/or other types of hormone testing like saliva testing.
Many labs, at least in the US, set up laboratory ranges that may not represent all of the population that could be hormone deficient, and getting a doctor that recognizes this may not always be easy.
Other hormones in the body fluctuate throughout a given day/month, and sometimes, the time of day for anyone, or time of month for a woman, for example, can give an unreliable result.
Be encouraged though, because even though it has taken years of trial and error, I did find a physician in my area that can help with this, and depending on your particular medical history, there could be any number of causes of your hair loss!! I am 48 now, and my hair loss started gradually in my later 20's [though it is very sad to go so long without, help, maybe you won't have to...

Hang in there!!! I will keep you guys posted if a substantial amount of hair regrowth occurs, but the problem evolved over years, and it is going to take awhile to see...