I get the cool feeling for few minutes, with or without goosebumps - but i'm not sure why.
I have an issue with body temperature, i rarely get fever even when I have a bad infection. My normal is 98.6.
When I feel the slight chills for few minutes, my temp goes up to 99 or so. Then my body warms up a bit and the chills and goose bumps stop (on its own).
I would say it could be due to lowered immunity - and my body trying to fight off mild infections. I often have a cold or a sore throat.
I try to avoid antibiotics and let my body fight its own infections, unless its severe, in which case my BP drops to 80/50. In the absence of fever, this BP drop and chills - tells me I need medical help.
And yes, taking too much of any fever pill or antihistamine, can make me get slight chills, etc. Infact if i take a paracetamol 500 when I dont have a fever, can give me severe chills/rigors, enough to raise my temperature to 104.
The key is to take only as much medicine as my body can handle, any thing more and my temperature seems to drop below normal.