Why should I read your postings ??

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Why should I read your postings ??
« on: October 14, 2006, 02:08:32 PM »
My 10 years old daughter was diaganosed with E Beta + , Intermedia.
First of all I don't feel comfortable sending any postings  with all of you.
Because I fele I am from different side of the world, means undeveloped world or under developed.I belived I don't fit in here.Why ? Beacause these topics you are discussing in here don't belong to us.Thalassemia center/NO!  , Bone marrow transplant center /NO ! (have never done a single transplant/ No cord blood bank, no this and that!!!!!!!, Screen of blood before transfusion for disease/NO!! , Scan of this and that /NOOOOO! , Insurance policy etc,./NEVER HEARD OF IT , So please tell me some good reason why should I be reading your postings ?



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Re: Why should I read your postings ??
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2006, 02:25:14 PM »
Hi Toe,

I can give you a good reason to read all our postings. You get information that can help your daughter. Read all the info on diet and supplements. Information is critical when one has a prob like Thal. I am a thal inter too. And the best part is that reading about others gives us a lot of strength to carry on in life. We derive strength from each other.

I hope you get the point.

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Re: Why should I read your postings ??
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2006, 02:35:02 PM »
What are the usual Hb level of Thal Inter ?
What's are your 's?
How is the spleen ?
How is the liver , heart ?
Do you need blood transfusion ?
How old are you?
How long you expect my daughter could expect to live a normal life?
will she be looking good all her life like any other girls ?


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Re: Why should I read your postings ??
« Reply #3 on: October 14, 2006, 03:47:11 PM »
Hi Toe,

I can feel your frustrations for living in a country where there are no facilities for the welfare of the people because the government only think that "they" are the only important personality in the country.

Pakistan is no different. There are no special dedicated Thal. center provided by the government. The ones that are operating are those which are set up "Privately" by the people and managed by the people too because they were somehow effected by Thal. No one in the Government office is effected by Thal. and that's why they don't care about us.

I am on the same boat as you are, but I am here to help others and learn from others too. You would be amazed that all our friends here have more knowledge than our Doctors! Our doctors are not Thal. specialist as there are no Thal. specialist here. They are just regular haematologist that the hospitals appoints in the Blood Transfusion Unit(department). They never check any Thal. child, never see their spleen, never check Serum Ferritin, never monitor growth, never ask for HB so they can calculate how much blood is required and never even bothers to see how the patients are doing the ward. They just comes and mark their attendance and leave.

We have to fight for our own survival. We have to learn what is good and what is bad for us. No one (in our country) will tell us. That is why we have to set up groups and forums for people just like us as they also feel the same as us and are looking for help like we are. You should thank Andy, Danielle and all the members (Especially LISA, who started this) for their valuable advice and learn from their experiences. This gives you an idea that what you are lacking to cope with Thal. For example, I learnt from this site that using Vit. C with Desferal increases it's effienceny. I didn't know about it before and when I started using it, I found out that it really works! Now thanks to the members now I can chelate more iron that is bad for me.

I hope you will understand the importance of help when someone is offering you with a good will.
Please feel free to ask. Don't hesitate and don't discriminate yourself. It is something that the rest of the world does to Thals. all the time :(

Take care, Peace!
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Re: Why should I read your postings ??
« Reply #4 on: October 14, 2006, 05:47:26 PM »

You stumped me, I don't know what to say. You have a very valid point. We may try to persue you to keep reading and posting your thoughts and get strength, but that may surely turn to frustration sometime when you see things discussed here but are not available to you. I am hoping you keep positive frame of mind and help all of us with your experiences.



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Re: Why should I read your postings ??
« Reply #5 on: October 14, 2006, 08:40:39 PM »
Hi Toe,

There are many reasons to read the posts here regardless of where you live or what treatment is available where you live. I agree that things like bone marrow transplants are not relevant to everyone, but they are to some. This group tries to include all and to cover all issues. Not every post will be of interest to everyone, but at the same time, I do believe that every single person who comes here can find some value from this site. For example, you may say that screening of blood for disease is not being done before transfusion. But you are aware that is is highly recommended. Reading through these posts may increase your own understanding of why blood should be screened. In turn you can present this information to your doctor or health professionals and ask that this become a worthwhile goal. You can also show this site to your health care providers to help them also learn and understand about thalassemia. By even coming here and posting, you show that you have taken an interest yourself, and that is the first step. Please read as much as you can about the issues that are relevant to you. Educate yourself and use that knowledge to help educate other patients and the health care providers you depend on. You may find that even though many health care workers don't know much about thal, that they are often willing to learn and they, themselves don't know where to turn for information. You may be only one person but don't ever feel that you can't make a difference. I am also just one person, yet I feel my efforts have been of great value to many people, including doctors who have turned to our site for information and also just to understand how thals think and what issues are important to them. Please be stubborn and believe that you can and will make a difference. You will find that in ways you never imagined that you do make a difference.

Since I first became involved in this group, the differences in treatment around the world have screamed out to me. So many people in developed countries have no idea at all what treatment is or isn't in other places. I saw a great need to try to change this and have made great efforts to educate people about the need for improvement in treatment in the more undeveloped areas of the world. This was a primary reason why I chose India for the first conference I would attend. The problems in India are huge and only the more fortunate receive care. 80-90% of the thal babies born in India die without ever receiving any treatment! This is astounding! I wanted to bring attention to India and much to my surprise, I found that even within India, many thal patients who do get decent treatment are unaware of the problems confronting thals in their own country. I may be just one person, but because of my efforts many more people are now aware of the problems in India and some have even acted in their own ways to work to help thals on an individual level.

I have also traveled to the Maldives, where 18% of the population carry the thal gene and where, even though treatment has advanced dramatically, partly because thal has touched the lives of some in the government (Sajid is so right about this aspect...when thal touches those in government, suddenly efforts are made), but much is still needed in Maldives. But when you look back at Maldives you will find that most efforts have been made relatively recently. Do not be discouraged. Things can change quickly and dramatically and often all that is needed are some loud voiced to bring the problem to the attention of those who can help, whether it be on your own country, or the international organizations like WHO and TIF.

I will continue to help publicize and educate the world about thalassemia and the plight in undeveloped nations where care is very lacking. And I will encourage you and everyone else to help in this. Sometimes I feel like this  :banghead but I push on and keep working and when I see some results I feel like  :grin

Please don't ever feel that you are so alone. The more you tell us, the more we can offer advice and support and the more we know that your country is one that needs more attention. There is much information on this site that you can find value in and the volume of information just continues to grow. We are here to help and offer any support we can. I hope you will continue to both read and write posts and also encourage your local health care providers to learn more about thalassemia themselves.

Why should you read the posts? Read more of them and I think that question will find its answer. Ask about every single thing you don't understand. Learn everything you can. And then, do everything you can to make a difference in your own daughter's life. Make as much noise as you can if that's what it takes to get attention and help. Change will only happen when people speak up. The problems in southeast Asia regarding thal are tremendous and the need to create awareness is huge. But only by creating this awareness will change begin to take place. You need help from the international community and we will continue to publicize the needs of thals everywhere who need help. In our own small ways we will make a difference.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


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Re: Why should I read your postings ??
« Reply #6 on: October 18, 2006, 11:58:28 AM »
Hi Toe,

I understand how you feel and what you must be going through. First and foremost find a good hematologist if that is possible where you live. He/she may recommend a CBC and depending on the Hb level, they may decide whether your child needs a trans or not. I am thal inter but became trans dependent at the age of 5 when my count was 7.8. However with trans there is iron deposition which has to be chelated with either desferal (subcutaneous overnite infusions) or oral L1. Many inters are not trans dependent and some are on hydroxy urea that helps galvanize the bone marrow into rbc production. I had a spleenectomy at 5 after which I did not need trans for 2 years. Please note that enlargement of the spleen is a common feature in thals and you need to protect your child with some padding so she doesnt fall or hurt herself on the abdomen where the spleen is. I think a good hematologist will be in a position to guide you after seeing the child. As for getting a serum ferritin done, this is relevant when the child is transfused. It indicates the iron level in the blood.

Since thal inters absorb iron in excess, it would be advisable not to give your child red meat. Stick with white lean meats. Give her a lot of tea with every meal. Certain tests are usually done annually for the heart and liver like an ECG and Alkaline Phospatase (liver). A CBC would comprise liver function tests too.

By the way Toe, I am 27 years. I have led as normal a life as the rest of the 'normal' crowd. I have a Master's Degree in English and work as a content developer in Bangalore. I look as normal as normal can be and even better  :wink. I hope to do a PhD sometime and have an academic career. So do not worry, take courage and am sure your child will be as ok as anyone else with the relevant care.

I found this hospital in Burma that provides treatment for thal children. I am posting the address. Please do tell me if you have already been there and if they have a hematologist.

Yangon Children's Hospital
2, Pyihtaungsu Yeiktha, Dagon Tsp.
Tel : (01) 222807

Hope this helps you. Good luck.

You are a child of the universe,
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.

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Re: Why should I read your postings ??
« Reply #7 on: October 19, 2006, 10:35:18 PM »
HI Toe
          first i want to tell you not only you have this problem don't thik you are a lone we are all of us in one ship we have to survive and we must belive it's our destney no way to go so we have to face it fight it live for your doughter the life and death not in your hand only GOD he know when me or you or any body will die you don't have to be angry from what you don't have there is a lot of country they have the ebelty to cure your doughter that what i did for my son last year i took him to italy and i made for him a bone marrow transplant call PROF.LEUGARALLY in italy TOR VERGATA HOSPITAL and ask him he brought many familly from all the country calm down relax and make a search sind an E-MAIL to Dr.paola polchi she can give you the way   her e-mail : ppolchi@hotmail.com
  you don't have to :banghead :computer :catfight   calm down with your nervuse you are not going to treat your doughter ...  and we are here for your help

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