WHO (world health organization) says 13 is the lower level of Hb for male... but more than one hematologists laughed when they saw my Indian Air Force medical test report saying "unfit due to anemia (12.8)"
Many doctors told me that "i can even show you that most of us doctors and staffs and other fit people dont have Hb above 13" ... what he meant was 13 is a standard but not a magic number for our healthy body.. i have seen my dad most hardworking , better physic than his and my peers (and also more handsome than me) and never feeling dizzy or weak .. in fact, thanks to God, he almost never fell ill.. He is 55 now and his Hb is something in between 11 and 12 . Worth mentioning, i got to knw abt my thal trait thing 2 months ago and i think dad also has it.
Just think about Zinedine Zidane ... he has struggled a lot -- both mentally & physically -- and in the end on the ground -is he unfit at all ?
Well , personal opinion-- i believe a hematologist was correct in saying -- for male thal trait Hb under 9 - start taking flic acid+iron ... under 6 -transfusion ... and above 9 healthy diet and exercise to make and keep it better
personal fact -- i was used to be at 12 Hb , but i have taken erythropoetin injection Eprex (10000 International unit once a week 4 times) to increase it -- and now my Hb level is in 14 within two weeks --- but I dont feel anything better or worse... I am the same me .. by physical and mental health.
I would like to mention one more thing -- we shud not generalise all thal traits as we also inherit many other factors from our parents ... so it really depends on the individual thal trait how is the combination working . Rest -- research is still ongoing on the inter-relation.
so dont bother ... life is beautiful ... laugh and cry and live it up
