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« on: November 10, 2010, 06:30:07 PM »
My name is Margarete, 53, living in Vienna, Austria, Europe.

In 2008 i was undergoing BMT, my diagnoses were/are MDS/AML M2 - Myelodysplastic Syndrome/Acute Myeloic Leukemia M2.

After the Chemotherapies preceeding BMT with 24 blood transfusions my Ferritin-Level war a little more than 1000, and MRT showed that my liver had too much iron. I got Exjade and took it for 3 Weeks, and my Ferritin-Level was diminuished slightly to 950 or so. Then i had to stop with the cure. During and after BMT i needed another 6 odr 8 Units Erys. my body never was able to get rid of this iron in natural ways. 2 months ago my serum ferritin was 555, but the rest of the iron must be stored also actually in my body. 2 months ago i started to take water soluble wheat grass extract, one full small spoon daily in tea or juice. Yersterday my serum ferritin was already diminuished to 400. So i want to go on, til the ferritin-level is "normal" or even for longer.

Also i`m member of a german speaking leukemia forum and other similar internet-forums. (http://lil.lu/) where we had some discussions about Wheat Grass..

Actually i composed a list of studies refering to Wheat Grass and Thalassemia, and want to post them in thie Forum for your information  - in case you would not already know them.

Hope that this could be informative for you.

Best regards, Margarete


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