Hi Andy
Hope you are doing well .
Actually the iron in the multivitamin was 66.7 mg and i took a pill every day ( from your previous replay to Debbie, i guess you will say that this sounds crazy but believe me this happened and in my two pregnancies i was more than healthy, i guess that how i felt. So energitic and i don't fell tired at all )
As of now, i just knew about the deficiency 10 days ago, but i think i will have the same pills as before. Now my HB is 9.5. When i was pregnant it was 11.3
When i made the iron deficiency test, i made it as a check up. I guess my body adapted to low iron as i think i am quiet normal. Only my heart beats a little faster , but not always. By the way my iron level is 39 and the normal is between 60 and 160.
Andy, since we are only carriers of the gene ( i.e. we don't have the disease but pass it to our children ), why should we be considered about iron intake?
