anesthesia/Thal Dr. in PA??

  • 1 Replies
anesthesia/Thal Dr. in PA??
« on: December 08, 2010, 02:11:40 PM »
I am new to this wonderful site and have a few questions. 
One, I live in Central PA and am looking for a recommendation for a good Doctor who specializes in Thal.  My daughter has Thal Beta (15 years old) and recently had her wisdom teeth removed.  Since having that done she has not been the same.  She has anxiety to the point that she cannot function.  I believe the anesthesia may have made her oxygen level too low since that is a problem anyway and it could have caused hypoxia which I understand can cause neurological issues.

Also, about 3 weeks before the surgery she became a vegetarian.  She has since started eating everything again but I feel that could have something to do with it.

One more thing.  She never takes vitamins but did take some before the surgery and maybe there was an overload of iron or some other mineral that caused this.

 Do any of these things sound like a contributing factor??  Any information/thoughts on these things would truly be appreciated!!!!


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Re: anesthesia/Thal Dr. in PA??
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2010, 05:04:58 PM »
Hi Jillie,

Sorry for the slow response, but computer issues have kept my activity at a minimum the past few days.

Is your daughter thal minor? Did she lose much blood during the wisdom teeth removal? Was there any infection afterward?

Vegetarianism would definitely not be responsible for her mood changes, nor would taking supplements. If there was a lack of oxygen during the procedure, it could cause some problems, but I am wondering if anything happened during the procedure that may have had a traumatic effect.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


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