Thank you for your kind messages. It helps me to read them. I am very frustrated. I wish I could say it is a lie, but it is my truth at the moment. I wrote this message for facebook but decided to post it here:
Joanne, and others, sometimes I am frustrated, sometimes more than ever which happens when I do not speak to Mariam for a too long time, but everything is evil. I mean we all do not want to take pills but we have no choice, right? It's the mixing of Exjade I hate the most (beside side effects) and it's the 8-hour rule from Ferrprox plus the immediately hour afterwards I hate the most. I need to plan those pills a lot because the hour after I need to visit a bathroom. if I do not immediately that iron burns in my bladder. And yes, it let me eat day and night (which you can see) if I not be the boss about my food patron. Ignoring the urge/pressing to eat is hard. Nowadays I simple cannot eat. I do not know why. I try but I cannot. Stupid stomach.
Joanne, generally people have no problems with Exjade. But I would advise you to play with the times and see what works the best for you. Don't listen to me. I am only frustrated. fe is 2100+ Remember: decide self what works the best for you and keep the motivation going!
It is not that i want to complain, because I do not like to complain. But nowadays I am very frustrated. Dearest ferritin level, be brave and be kind.

I also needed a extra tranfusion (two units) and will have my regular transfusion this wednesday (2 units). So my dearest ferritin level won't go down (for awhile).
How are you doiing, love and prayers? And how is the family from Bangaldesh doing?