I hope that some time next week, I will have a more conclusive answer to my own question (waiting to get the order for more lab work), but for the agonizing moment, I'm left wondering what is going on with my son, Hugh.
I initially took him to the doctor over four months ago because I was worried about his size (he weighed only 39 pounds when he was six and a half), his behavior (he is very irritable), and pale. I'm so glad that the dr tested his hemoglobin, because it was 9.7 that day. She started us on an OTC children's multivitamin with iron and we retested a month later. It was still low, so we did a CBC and a celiac panel (negative). Based on the results, she wanted us to give him fer-in-sol, but because I couldn't find it, I gave him Kidz Iron 10 (10 mg elemental iron), which turned out to be the wrong amount, but the office test did go up a little the next time (I believe it was 10.4). So, we did another CBC and an iron panel. In those two months, he had put on around 3 pounds, but he still was very irritable and easily tired.
Our next step was to give him 9 mg per day of ferrous sulfate for a month (she prescribed it this time so there would be no misunderstanding). When we retested last Tuesday, I was sure it would be normal, but I was shocked when the first time, the in office test was 10.2. They rechecked it, and it was 9.1! Does anyone know why there would be such a difference?
So, since he didn't respond to the iron, she thinks that he might have a blood disorder, and she mentioned Thalassemia. She is supposed to talk to a hematologist tomorrow (they've spoken before about Hugh, and they both initially thought it was mild anemia caused by diet since we are vegetarian). I know she wants to run the Hemoglobin Electrophoresis test, and I want to ask her if we could pull some extra blood and store it in case we need to do a DNA test as well.
Do you all think that his values look like a typical Thal's? I've been reading many of the posts here, and I'm not sure that it matches up, but it is such a complex disorder. We're lucky that he's overall pretty healthy, but I am concerned that he is so small compared to his brother and sister, that's he's so irritable, and that even his tooth development is delayed (he hasn't lost a baby tooth yet). Thank you in advance for your insight. Stacy (and Hugh!)
Ferritin, Serum 34 30-400 ng/ml (reference range)
Iron binding cap (TIBC) 310 250-450
UIBC 235 150-375
Iron, serum 75 11-150
Iron saturation 24 15-55
WBC 7.9
RBC 3.97
Hemoglobin 10.8
Hematocrit 32.6
MCV 82
MCH 27.2
MCHC 33.1
RDW 13.1
Platelets 407
Neutrophils 40
Lymphs 52
Monocytes 6
Neutrophils (absolute) 3.2
Lymphs (absolute) 4.2
Monocytes (absolute) 0.4
EOS (absolute) 0.1
BASOS absolute) 0.0
Immature Granulocytes 0
Immature Grans (ABS) 0.0
Reticulocyte count 1.0
I also have his first lab work results from November, but I didn't want to make my first entry any longer than it already is!