Dear all.. sory for late reply. im quite busy at schol recently. there are too many schol project has to be done furthermore our headmaster is soooo demanding.

maha- what is the name writen there? if it is 'MADULINA' then yes we are talking about the same bottle. and again yes- it is made from Malaysia. the problem is there is no specific measurement stated. thats why i never knew how much does it contained iron. t is very simple packaging with only ingredients, preparation and nutritional info-carbo,sugar,protien,fat, was found there. so i dont know how to provide you the measurement. i just gv my children 3x daily -1 teaspoon each time.
Al- I've sent you the detail. do check your mail.okay..

Carisma-I don't know what to say coz it is not proven clinically that it is rising Hb or have some benefit to thallasemia but it's seem working to my intermedia son.
Zaini- all ingredients already in a bottle . Im sory, but i think maybe if you bought it from Puritn nd from where i bought it, it maybe contained different ingredients as the'MADULINA' i bought here is the original extract from honey, live spirulina and live red mushroom- it is only RINGGIT MALAYSIA-MYR RM66.