Hi guys!
It is lovely to meet you all.
I am a 27 year year old asian female.
Its amazing to find a forum like this just for people with Thalassemia! I'm so happy I have found it. For the past 6 years I was kinda in denial about having Thalassemia. I just wanted to fit in like everyone else.
My wakeup call was actually getting a random health check two months ago and I recieved the results saying I had low 09.9 g/dL hamoglobin. I knew straight away it was related to my Beta Thalassemia.
I just wanted to ask you all...
What has been challenging to you about having Beta Thalassemia? some days I don't feel like i have it..I exercise 3-4 days a week and don't feel too bad after a 1 hour run. So in a way its not really limiting me to physical fitness. Some days I will feel really tired especially working 9 hours, but i guess thats normal for MOST people.
Also my biggest concern now is, in the next 2 years me and my boyfriend want to have children..after reading the forums on beta thal and pregnancy its starting to scare me abit. I want it to be smooth sailing but I know some women haven't been so lucky. Though my mother has beta thal and gave birth to me and my 2 brothers with no complications (not that i know of). What things should I be worried about, to prepare etc...
I know I have a lot of questions but i guess that is because now I have to accept the fact I have it and its going to stay with me forever. So any helpful advice I would be so appreciative.
Thanks a lot