hello i am back. had to see pcp and my nurse today I am happy to hear from you guys. i am consisered disable boy rhe gov. In 2001 all hell broke loose. i caught the measles hich led me to two strokes , comgesrive hwart failure. I was already having miscles spsams, mscle pain, amd ptotein in my urine. I wes always tired and my doctors decided to take bone marrow from me. i was now sure. I eight doctors 30 medications and so many transfusions and infusions that i promised my aunt that i would not let them,. She had Sickle Cell diseae. but when it came to be in the hospital all the I had no choice but them let me the blood so i wou'd not die. That is all i have for say. Getting tired. I do have a lot of faith and a big support sysrem