Thank you Manal.
I took four days long very high doses of magnesium/vitD/Calcium (without zinc, is that bad?) and it helped. I do feel I must continuee it though.
I was so very stressed but at Friday a very smart friend said to me "well, you got the exception and then one can do buy a registered proprety". Oh, I love her. These assignment was not clear about it, and although I have not mention the possiblity of yes or no, I do have a chance to get some points from it. So, in other words, Dori would attend the inspection, as we call it, and look and it and if i need it, come with tons of arguments to - hopefully - change their minds. But, the representation is still wrong. Hoping for the best. In law you have chance to get points even when you answer is totally wrong. So long as you have used good argumentation.
I got one exam left, tomorrow late in afternoon, I am totally exhausted but I have decided to try it anyway.