Dear SK,
My brother & I are thal major. My mom found out when I was 5 & he was 3...we received our first transfusion around 5 years later (she put her best effort keeping us from it as long as possible, but the doctor said it wouldn't be good for our growth). My brother had splenectomy when he was 10 because it was so enlarged that made his little posture looked 'funny'.
I can say that our childhood is pretty normal, except that we have to fill up our 'blood tank' once every 2 months (more or less). My mom pays lots of attention to our food, supplements, study, & physical activities. My sport activities was kinda limited...I got half portion of it compared to my classmates. Although it affect my grade (in sport only), it doesn't affect my other study/activities & keep my transfusion period I don't mind at all. I have no passion in sport whatsoever, anyway
prefer to do other non-physical acts like art/music. Due to lack of info (that the vaccinations are always mandatory) after my brother had his splenectomy, he got sick more often than me...luckily nothing serious happened. We've been vaccinated since 6 yrs ago-influenza, pneumovax, meningococcal, friends-and doing okay.
He's now 24 and still pursuing his master degree...I'm 26, working as an IT consultant, and just got divorced with my spleen 2 weeks ago because my thrombocyte level was so low (till 300) when I had a dengue fever last year. It bounced back to 50thou & never got higher than that, so my doctor said it was risky. I hope I'm recovering soon so I can get back to my normal activities. I take daily aspilets, vitamin E, & folic acid...and of course, desferal & ferriprox keep my ferritin level at 800-900.
So...all in alll, I'd say: it's not easy, but it can be done. My parents generally don't treat me differently (well, except in sports area, transfusion, n constant meds) which I think has given me more benefit than detriment. It's been keeping me normal (n I look like non-thal kids...some friends said). Sometimes it's easier for us when we have a friend/sibling (in my case) who knows exactly how it that we can support each other, telling what to do aside from our prescribed meds. On the other hand, we realize it's been exhausting physically, mentally, & financially for our I won't blame you for any decision you take. Wish you all the strength & your little one lots of health & joy
PS: my 2nd brother's thal minor....if we both were terminated, he won't be our 'big baby' forever ;) *just a thought*