Hi all, I have Hemoglobin H which is like Thal intermedia for Beta Thals.... only on the Alpha Strain. My parents were shocked as we knew my dad had Thal minor ( he's chinese) but no one expected my half Croatian mom would also be a carrier....
We figured this all out in the 80's so there was no way to tell if my mom was a carrier even though they did the genetic testing.
I recently found out that my Dad has the South Asian Variety of alpha thal and my mom had the North African variant.... I surmise that because they are different strains, this is why I have felt very few symptoms of Hemo H. I have never had a transfusion, nor been very affected by it all.
Teenage years kinda sucked, growing was very exhasusting but now at 30 I halve almost as much energy as anyone else.
Has Anyone else done genetic testing?

