Some things to remember when trying to minimize the iron absorbed from food:
There are two types of iron. Heme iron, found in meats, especially red meat and non-heme iron, which is found in plant based foods. Heme iron is very readily absorbed by the gut, so minimizing high iron red meats is advised. Non-heme iron is absorbed at a much lower percentage, and the absorption of non-heme iron can be further reduced by avoiding high vitamin C foods with meals, as C aids in absorption of iron, so use citrus as a snack away from meals containing iron. Milk based foods and tea help to inhibit the absorption of non-heme iron, so should be taken with meals. Tea is also a weak iron chelator, so it can help in lowering iron stores. The supplements green tea extract and IP6 are also mild iron chelators, although since these natural chelators can reach areas of the body like the brain that chelation drugs are not as effective in reaching, it raises the value of these natural chelators. The value of a low iron diet can be enhanced by these methods.