
  • 2 Replies
« on: April 25, 2011, 06:46:31 AM »
Hi all~

Glad to find a forum to read though and learn more.

I was diagnosed to be alpha minor last week when I went for my blood test for my pregnancy. Went to gynae for regular blood test and he sent me and my husband to our local thalassemia registry for further test (DNA analysis). It is not know if my husband has thalassemia and considering now that I'm 15 coming to 16 weeks pregnant its quite distressing for me.

Is the below blood count able to tell? This is my husband's blood report when he went for his regular check up (he was never told he has low blood or thala before).

Haemoglobin: 15.3
total white cell count: 8.3

polymorphs: 59.7% (absolute 4.96)
lymphocytes: 28.9 (absolute 2.4)
monocytes: 6.7% (absolute 0.56)
epsinophils: 4.1 (absolute 0.34)
basophils: 0.6 (absolute 0.05)

total red cell count: 5.94
platelet: 11 (he has very low platelet since young, in fact the blood test, the lab called up say reading is 0)
haematocrit: 47
MCV: 79
MCH: 26
MCHC: 33
E.S.R: 2

remarks was: majority of the red blood cell are normocytic but show mildly hypochromic. white blood cell morphology. there is marked thrombocytopenia. No early cells seen.

Thanks all~


Offline Zaini

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Re: thalMINORme...reporting~
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2011, 03:33:06 AM »

Welcome on the forum,i think DNA analysis would be a sure way to know if your husband has any thal trait,i am not an expert but his hb and hemotocrit seems pretty good to me,but on the other hand his RBCs are mildly hypochromic ,so a DNA analysis would be good way to know.

Good luck with your pregnancy and i hope and pray that thal won't affect your baby.


Re: thalMINORme...reporting~
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2011, 04:24:37 AM »
Thanks for the welcome Zaini :)


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