Thanks Narendra and Andy, for your suggestions.
The issue is that his doctor, here, will not agree, for the ECHO, I have requested her and her staff severl times for the tests.
I wanted to also check with you that in the Phenotype testing, will they not know the type of the blood etc, I asked the Nurse for BT, here, the question on last Friday, and she said that they do not know his blood type yet

I am surprised, he has been going to this clinic for the past 4 years, they have done DNA/Phenotyping and numerous other blood work on him.
So not sure how they do not know his blood type.
The nurse said that they will do the cross matching etc on the morning of his blood transfusion, so I was trying to find out from parents, whose children have BT, in other diff, centers, all over US/Canada, what are the
blood tests that are done
before the
first transfusion and then
before every
consecutive transfusions, as the cneter here, is not helping me much to give me the information, I keep asking them questions always

and it seems like that I am th eonly parent who is asking them the questions.
I will be looking forward to hear back from you all and thanks in advance for your time.