wife is thal minor and i have been detected hbd

  • 1 Replies
wife is thal minor and i have been detected hbd
« on: May 14, 2011, 11:41:05 AM »
my wife is pregnant and 3 and half month time period has been passed my wife is  thalemissia minor (thal a2) and i have been detected hbd also i have one daughter of 10 years old who has also detected hbd 61 percentage but till now she is living a very healthy life  but as my wife is pregnant second time threfore i would like to know that is there anyrisk to our coming child if yes than what type of the risk will be there is there any test so that i can come to know that what my child will have i mean thal minor,major,noirmal or what wilol happen if new born will have got both thal. minor and hbd .
please reply.


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Re: wife is thal minor and i have been detected hbd
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2011, 03:29:58 PM »
Hi jach0019 ,

Can you tell me what type of tests you and your daughter have had to determine that you carry hemoglobin delta? This can be a somewhat complicated issue and my opinion is that DNA testing should be done to rule out any other co-existing conditon like hemoglobin lepore, which is related to HbD. HbD is also related to hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin (HPFH), which actually raises the Hb level, so more information is required to comment further. Have you had any testing done beyond hemoglobin electrophoresis? Lepore is often undetectable unless a DNA analysis is done and combined with a beta thal gene, thal major can be the outcome, as was the case with the founder of this site.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


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